Gratitude Page in my Bullet Journal

Hi! Here's a quick peek at my latest gratitude page in my bullet journal. The last time I did a gratitude page, I wrote it all in one long list.

This time, I just added things as I thought of them and wrote in various fonts and sizes. I think this way looks a lot more interesting. 

I also really love that I can just keep adding to this page as time goes by.

I think of something I'm grateful for and add it on.

What's important to me is that I take a moment to really remember the things I have to be thankful for even if they are small - those tend to be the things that make me the happiest!

Do you have a gratitude page in your bullet journal? What is the layout like?

Happy bullet journaling!

Entries in my bullet journal gratitude page

Entries in my bullet journal gratitude page