Cute & Easy Borders to Draw

Do you love decorating your bullet journal? I do and I love adding borders and frames.

However, when I sit down to work in my bullet journal, I can’t think of any new ideas so I keep making the same borders over and over again.

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I thought it was time to update my bullet journal game, so I created a few pages of my favorite borders and added it to the front of my bujo.

Now I have a catalog right in my bullet journal that I can flip to when I need a new idea.

To do this, I rounded up the best border and frame videos. They are all fun to watch videos with cute and easy borders you can draw.

How to Use Borders and Frames

You can use borders and frames in so many interesting ways. Here are a few ideas just off the top of my head.

  1. Create an edge around the page.

  2. Make a decorative column on just one edge of the page.

  3. Use a border or frame around the page title.

  4. Use a border to divide sections of a page.

  5. Use a frame to highlight something special on the page.

  6. Use borders or frames to draw attention to sections or headers when taking notes.

These designs don’t have to be difficult either! As you’ll see from the videos below, most of these borders are simple and easy to duplicate.

This Doodle with Me video is full of easy to draw borders. Draw them in black or use colored pens or markers to make them pop off the page.

If you don’t know where to start with pens, markers, and other tools check out my favorite bujo tools.

Frames are a fun way to draw attention to special items on a bullet journal page. Add one or lots to a page!

These borders a perfect for an edge, to create a frame around the page, or to divide sections.

If you love adding color to your bullet journal, try some of these floral frames from Crafty Nica. They would look great on a monthly cover page or along the top or bottom of a calendar page.

If you are a minimalist bullet journalist, a tiny bit of decoration goes a long way. Try some of these clean and sophisticated dividers in your bujo.

The last three videos (shown below) are a bit more zentangleish than the simple borders shown above. But if you’re looking for something a little more advanced or artsy, these are worth checking out!

I hope you enjoyed all of these border ideas. Do you have favorite go-to borders and frames? Do you change up your borders every week or month?

Let me know in the comments below and sign up for the newsletter for more bujo and planning ideas.