Do you HATE using Only One Planner a Year? Try this!

If you find it difficult to get through an entire year using only one planner? What are the reasons you ditch a planner part-way through the year?

Try this instead for planner peace!

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Planners Featured in Video (in order of appearance)

How many of you make it a whole year in one planner? Let me know in the comments below!

I’m wondering because I rarely make it through an entire year in one planner.

It turns out, one's too small, the other is too big, it just doesn't fit my needs, I don't like the layout, I added too many stickers and now I can't write in it.

Those are some of the problems i run into with planners.

However, I've noticed there's a new trend we're going to get into it right now.

The Newest Trend in Planners

The newest trend that i've noticed is that there are 90-day planners available!

They're all over the marketplace. In fact, I’ve shown three of my favorites in the video and links about.

What I love about a 90-day planner is that it's actually three months - which is one quarter of a year.

So, you can change up your planner four times in a year!

To me, that is groundbreaking because i'm not committed to it for a full year! I can be in my planner but then i have four chances throughout the year to change it out to a whole new layout.

Now if you love the layout and it works for you, you can just keep using that planner style.

If you are anything like me and you like to change things up, knowing that you have options is very promising.

Every three months, you can move into a new planner and feel a new layout experience.

For some reason, I feel very productive when i get a new layout.

90-day planners is the big trend and even a few years ago this was not an option.

I love the thing it seems like planners planner companies are listening to our needs and finding what we need.

What do you think of 90-day planners?

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