21 How to Doodle Books for Beginners

What is a Doodle?

Webster's Dictionary defines a doodle as "an aimless or casual scribble, design, or sketch; also: a minor work."  These simple drawings are a fun way to decorate your planner, notebook, and bullet journal. 

You don't need to be an artist! Anyone can doodle

If you don't love your doodles, that's okay. Here's help!

Did you know there are so many books on how to draw cute easy doodles?

I tend to get tired of my same old doodles, so I recently purchased How to Draw Almost Every Day and have been loving the results! The book is laid out in an annual calendar format so that you get a doodle prompt every day along with step-by-step instructions. 

I love opening up the book each day knowing I'm going to get to draw a really cute doodle in my bullet journal. 

In addition, I'm not very good at remembering doodles.

So, I keep a library of my favorite doodles in the front of my bullet journal.

Here's a round-up of How to Doodle books I found that I think you'll enjoy. They all include cute little doodles that beginners can draw.

How to Doodle Books for Beginners

If you love simple step-by-step instructions, you'll really like these how to draw doodle art books. They are easy to follow and all of the projects are really cute.


Add CUTE to all of your doodles! These books offer ideas on making all of your doodles cute, kawaii doodles, and lessons to make your drawings adorable.

I love the "20 Ways to Draw" books! I have owned 20 Ways to Draw a Tulip for several years and it's one of those books I refer back to time and again. These are a little doodles ideas are a bit more sophisticated than some of the other books featured here, but they still offer a cute element.  

Why not create doodles of your favorite things? This collection of cute doodle books by Gemma Correll is loaded with fun doodles you'll love recreating. Now, are you a dog person or a cat person?

If you like to draw plants, this book series is for you! The Botanical Line Drawings books feature simple doodles that are easy to replicate. The are packed with more than 200 designs each all including step-by-step instructions that are perfect for beginners.

You'll learn how to draw flowers, cactus, succulents, trees, fruits, vegetables, and other nature items.

Do you have a favorite doodle art book? Let me know in the comments below!