How to Draw Sushi

My husband has been on a major sushi kick lately so I need to add our dinners out to my planner. Of course, I can’t just write down the name of the restaurant; I have to add a few cute sushi doodles and color them in!

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If you are new to this blog, I love to doodle in my planner.

Rather than sit here staring at a blank page wondering what to draw, I keep an arsenal of doodles I can use to decorate such as Easy Doodles to Draw When Bored, How to Draw Really Cute Doodles, and Bullet Journal Doodle Ideas.

In this post, you’ll find lots of cute sushi doodle videos and instagram ideas you can replicate.

Doodling Supplies

If you want to make a sushi page like the one I doodled above, here are the supplies I used.

  • Leuchtturm 1917 Black Hardcover Dotted Journal - This is an A5 size notebook. I love it because I can take it everywhere to doodle, plan, and brainstorm. The hardcover makes it easy to write on even if you don’t have a table. I also love the dotted pages to help me keep things lined up.

  • Paper Mate Flair Felt Tip Pens - I’ve been using these pens since I was a kid! They are the perfect thickness for bold doodles especially when creating an entire doodle page like I did in the above image.

  • Crayola Extreme Colors Neon Colored Pencils - Neon is my current obsession in my planner. This set comes with 8 colors; just enough for packing in my pencil case and taking with me.

  • Staedler Pencil Sharpener - A small pencil sharpener is something that always goes with me as well! The trick to choosing a good sharpener is to pick one with covers over the holes. That way, you won’t end up with pencil shavings all over the inside of your bag or pencil case.

I decided to do a little research and some cute sushi doodles I can add to my planner pages. There are so many ideas, I thought I’d share them with you. Use them in your bullet journal, planner, or notebook.

Cute Sushi Doodles

I’m a huge fan of Doodles by Sarah! In fact, you’ll probably recognize a lot of the doodles in this video because it really inspired me when I created my page (above). These kawaii sushi doodles all have cute phrases and puns with them. Use them in your planner for motivation or put them on a card or try making your own gift wrap covered in these doodles.

Draw So Cute made this video of happy-faced sushi doodles including wasabi, sushi rolls, and soy sauce. I love the bright colors, thick lines of the sharpie marker, and big eyes on all of the doodles.

Easy Pictures to Draw shows you how to make a smiling sushi step-by-step in this how-to tutorial. It’s a short video which demonstrates how to draw the sushi and color it in.

Paintoo also shows us how to make one sushi. Made with a very thick marker, this tutorial gives you all the steps needed to draw and color a kawaii cute sushi. It’s easy and fun to draw!

Cute sushi cartoon

So this video isn’t sushi but it does include lots of cute Chinese New Year foods and takeout food doodles. I included some of these drawings on my own sushi page.

Ways to Doodle Sushi in Your Bullet Journal

Sarasbullets used sushi as her inspiration for a bullet journal cover page. Sushi rolls and smiling sushi decorate around the month title. Then everything has been colored in with markers.

Sarasbullets shows another amazing way to bujo with sushi. This time, she uses it on her mood tracker page. First, she creates a pathway that takes up almost the entire page. Then she divides the pathway into thirty blocks; one for each day of the month. She draws a cute sushi doodle in each block. A key is placed at the bottom to denote moods: joyful, happy, content, ok, meh, stressed, sad, and misery. She’ll color each block as the month progresses…hopefully, there won’t be any misery days!

Inkedundermoonlight took sushi inspo to her weekly page spread. It’s a sushi lover’s dream adorned with edamame, sushi rolls, and lots of fish…no wonder the cat decided to rest there!

Peachtreeplanner was also feeling sushi vibes when she created this bullet journal mood tracker. Thirty sushi are decorating a two-page spread. Down in the lower right corner is the key - made up of sushi rolls. As the month progresses, the sushi will be filled in according to her mood.

Bulletnoob created a sushi catalog to keep track of tasted sushi. This page notes which are favorites, okay, not my faves, and….of course dessert! Each sushi has been hand drawn with labels under each stating which type of sushi it is.